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Thread: need help with rnx-n300 wireless card for jaunty server

greetings all,

here going on. first of i'm using rnx-n300 card compatible b , g networks. i'm running jaunty server have no gui. i'm trying configure wireless card via terminal. type in sudo ifconfig ra0 , goes well. no errors. type in iwlist ra0 scan , this:

cell 01 - address: 00:21:63:6a:70:de
essid: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" (where correct ssid)
mode: managed
quality: 100/100 signal level:-50bdm noise level:-97dbm
encryption key:on
bit rates: 18 mb/s
ie: wpa version 1
group cipher: tkip
pairwise cipers (1): tkip
authentication suites (1) psk

run sudo iwconfig ra0 essid xx_xx_xx , no errors
run sudo iwconfig ra0 key s:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx , set failed on device ra0; invalid argument.

run various other iwconfig commands , same error whether i'm trying set channel, mode etc..

i'm new linux , jaunty server , cannot figure out i'm doing wrong. if need more information, let me know , maybe commands information , can update. have no clue do.

thank you


Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Networking & Wireless [ubuntu] need help with rnx-n300 wireless card for jaunty server



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