Nice Looking site -- what's component they are using ? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi guys,

maybe simple question hard me find answer

here sites found , stated here site using  jreviews component ... itemid,35/

and nice looking site have ever seen using joomla ... /itemid,1/

but looked @ site, seems not using jreviews component think use other component or module customise frontpage, thought, wonder know , these other component/module  using in site make frontpage have nice looking ?

do these site using ijoomla magazine component ?

does can tell me trick of how customise frontpage site  done ?

thanks answer , appreciated it..


hi f-14tomcat,

when @ website use default built-in frontpage component frontpage, , jreviews component menu items listed left @ aziende.

the frontpage shows modules in positions defined in template used.
try having special view @ site somehow reveal how created:


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