Poor performance of RTL8188CUS as Access Point - Raspberry Pi Forums

having worked way through various tutorials , posts, have rpi b 2 operating access point, however......

performance seems slow, tho' i've configured 802.11n.

i'm using edimax ew-7811un - lsusb says:

code: select all

bus 001 device 006: id 7392:7811 edimax technology co., ltd ew-7811un 802.11n wireless adapter [realtek rtl8188cus]

downloaded latest driver/hostapd , compiled (as per instructions on adafruit site)

hostapd.conf looks this:

code: select all

interface=wlan0 driver=rtl871xdrv ssid=myssid hw_mode=g channel=1 wmm_enabled=1 wme_enabled=1 wpa=3 wpa_passphrase=mypassphrase wpa_key_mgmt=wpa-psk wpa_pairwise=ccmp rsn_pairwise=ccmp auth_algs=1 macaddr_acl=0 ieee80211n=1 ht_capab=[ht40+][short-gi-40][dsss_cck-40] 
/etc/network/interfaces looks this:

code: select all

auto lo  iface lo inet loopback iface eth0 inet dhcp  auto br0 iface br0 inet dhcp bridge_ports eth0 wlan0
seems come , can connection via wireless, runs bridge attached ethernet fine. don't see odd in logs.
iwconfig gives following:

code: select all

wlan0     ieee 802.11bgn  essid:"myssid"  nickname:"<wifi@realtek>"           mode:master  frequency:2.412 ghz  access point: 74:da:38:33:bb:90              sensitivity:0/0             retry:off   rts thr:off   fragment thr:off           power management:off           link quality:0  signal level:0  noise level:0           rx invalid nwid:0  rx invalid crypt:0  rx invalid frag:0           tx excessive retries:0  invalid misc:0   missed beacon:0 
note - doesn't show bitrate, bit odd. can see link quality go 80-90 when i'm streaming on wireless, never bitrate shown?

iwlist gives:

code: select all

pi@raspberrybplus ~ $ iwlist wlan0 bitrate wlan0     4 available bit-rates : 	  1 mb/s 	  2 mb/s 	  5.5 mb/s 	  11 mb/s 
where's 150 mb/s should getting 802.11n connection?

i've got same adapter:

code: select all

$ lsusb [...] bus 001 device 004: id 7392:7811 edimax technology co., ltd ew-7811un 802.11n wireless adapter [realtek rtl8188cus]
difference have line commented out in hostapd.conf

code: select all

interface=wlan1 hw_mode=g [...] #ieee80211n=1
looks iwconfig:

code: select all

$ iwconfig wlan1 wlan1     ieee 802.11bg  essid:"myssid"  nickname:"<wifi@realtek>"           mode:master  frequency:2.462 ghz  access point: 80:1f:02:xx:xx:xx           bit rate:54 mb/s   sensitivity:0/0           retry:off   rts thr:off   fragment thr:off           power management:off           link quality:0  signal level:0  noise level:0           rx invalid nwid:0  rx invalid crypt:0  rx invalid frag:0           tx excessive retries:0  invalid misc:0   missed beacon:0
interesting current bit rate not listed iwlist:

code: select all

$ iwlist wlan1 bitrate wlan1     4 available bit-rates : 	  1 mb/s 	  2 mb/s 	  5.5 mb/s 	  11 mb/s           current bit rate:54 mb/s
not sure if helpful, try commenting out ieee80211n option in hostapd config file. recall getting warnings long left in.



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