Error in

the ratio of dot length dash length in morse code 1:3, not 1:4 in tutorial. (see book on morse code, or wikipedia.), interletter spacing 3 dot lengths (750 ms in example) , interword space 7 dot lengths.

sos "prosign" (see wikipedia article) letter spaces not needed might better have correct interword delay (1750 ms in example, of 250 ms trailing space of dot/dash).

the code change trivial. presently code is:-

code: [select]
int pin = 13;

void setup()
 pinmode(pin, output);

void loop()
 dot(); dot(); dot();
 dash(); dash(); dash();
 dot(); dot(); dot();

void dot()
 digitalwrite(pin, high);
 digitalwrite(pin, low);

void dash()
 digitalwrite(pin, high);
 digitalwrite(pin, low);

for simple change should be:-

code: [select]
int pin = 13;

void setup()
 pinmode(pin, output);

void loop()
 dot(); dot(); dot();
 dash(); dash(); dash();
 dot(); dot(); dot();

void dot()
 digitalwrite(pin, high);
 digitalwrite(pin, low);

void dash()
 digitalwrite(pin, high);
 digitalwrite(pin, low);

i should correct this, not know how make corrections, nor how contact original author ask permission. advice anyone?

regards - james bryant

don't hold breath :)

also wouldn't wonderful if rid of calls delay().


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