Thread: Disk Partitioning and all that jazz
have been stupid, didn't know primary, extended , logical partitions , cannot create more 4 primary partitions on 1 drive, understandable guess?
primary: windows xp
primary: ubuntu 9.04
primary: linux-swap
primary: data
there way can sort out , reorganise drive , obtain
primary: ubuntu 9.04
primary: windows xp
-logical: linux-swap (for ubuntu)
-logical: data
etc... if needed.
(does make sense? or stupid layout , don't partitioning types)
can clarify definitions of primary, extended , logical me aswell?
primary: 1 can boot from?
extended: container logicals?
logical: data, drive cannot boot from?
getting second hard drive aswell if helps...
wish have ubuntuneed windows whilst i'm @ uni.
can store data somewhere else temporarily?
if so, easiest way accomplish to:
1. transfer data drive
2. delete primary swap partition
3. delete primary data partition
4. create extended partition
5. make logical partition (sda5) swap
6. make logical partition data (sda6)
7. configure ubuntu new locations/uuids of swap , data.
if don't have anywhere else put data, data partition @ least twice large data contains?
windows must in primary partition.
turn off swap before working on partitions. (in gparted, highlight partition, partition, swapoff).
unmount data partition if mounted. mounted partitions have "keys" icon next them in lower panel.
here 2 guides:
partitioning basics
nuts n boldt: partitions 101
Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Installation & Upgrades [ubuntu] Disk Partitioning and all that jazz
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