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Thread: dual boot ubuntu 9.04 and xp


relatively new linux (ubuntu 9.04)and want install windows on laptop run microsoft sql server. have chosen windows xp sp2.

read cleaner install windows first (ntfs format) install ubuntu. have setup unpartitioned portion of hard drive windows installation. when boot windows cd, receiving following error right after setup starting windows:

problem has been detected , windows has been shut down prevent damage computer.

if first time you've seen stop error screen, restart computer. if screen appears again, follow these steps:

check viruses on computer. remove newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers. check hard drive make sure configured , terminated. run chkdsk /f check hard drive corruption, , restart computer.

technical information:

***stop: 0x0000007b (0xf78d2524,0xc0000034,0x00000000,0x00000000)

have used ubuntu install cd confirm hard drive has no viruses , no corruption. if bypass cd rom, able boot , run ubuntu no problems.

have suggestions on how past blue stop screen windows setup?

appreciate in advance.


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