[SOLVED] Getting very abrupt values reading a Gyro or Accelerometer (DUE)

hey there,

yesterday arrived new arduino due board. it´s first arduino/microcontroller ever used i´m not experienced in hardware. how ever, ordered sparkfun 9dof sensor stick. soldered headers on , connected 3.3v sensor stick 3.3v , gnd, sda (20) , scl (21) pins on due board (which runs on 3.3v) via 30cm cables.

so figured out how read values of sensors accessing different registers. problem is, each axis 1 of 2 registers gives me abrupt values. here examples serial monitor.

!!! these values 1 register. 1 bits on left side (not yet bit shifted).
               x         y      z
gyro: 254   255       0
gyro: 255     0    255
gyro: 255    255    255
gyro: 3            255 255
gyro: 0   255   252
gyro: 254     0     1
gyro: 250     2   251

i tried different refresh rates. how ever, values right side register give me nice heterogeneous values when move stick. happens pretty of sensors on stick. when add them end values 0-255 , around 65xxx-66xxx or something

i figured out better values accelerometer after activating justify bit in config register. right i´m not sure if these data isn´t garbage either.

how can be? due maybe not suitable sensor? wanted have more calculation power further filtering. sensor stick maybe broken? can i2c issue?

btw: couldn´t find tutorial build due , 9dof stick. issue values come in 16 bit chunks when have 32 bit processor?  i guess not, mentioned: i´m newb ,)

i hope can help. happy!



a sparkfun 9dof sensor stick seems need power supply outputs 3.5v or more...

chipaudette | 2 years ago  1
dear sparkfun,

why schematic not show regulator is? no datasheet pcb , no notation on schematic regulator is, have no idea how device can powered. expecting 3.3v, or expecting 5v? knowing regulator seems pretty basic piece of information…could rev schematic show info?

mikegrusin | 2 years ago  2
it's mic5205 3.3v. ldo regulator, vcc needs above 3.5v.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > [SOLVED] Getting very abrupt values reading a Gyro or Accelerometer (DUE)



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