Cheapest way to collect data via a single current sensor & move info via wifi?

hi guys,

just wondering cheapest way non-invasive ac current sensor working , move data collects openenergymonitor software, on offsite server. have prebuilt kits etc , guides seem geared complete home energy monitoring interested in monitoring single appliance @ 1 time. understand majority of recommend essential need raspberry pi act receiver actual device collects info?

have 0 experience kind of thing , started learning apologise if bluntly stupid etc. clarify, looking efficient/cheapest way collect data via single current sensor , move info openenergymonitor software.

any help/advice appropriated.

every sensor invasive extend (quantum mechanically speaking)

check ebay cheap sensors , build tiny85?

how measure-hw  connected the  offsite server ?
- serial, wifi, ...

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > Cheapest way to collect data via a single current sensor & move info via wifi?



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