DIY: Wire stripper & equipment wire dispenser box - Raspberry Pi Forums


though share dispenser box equipment wire.

trying keep ever more complex wiring clean i've adopted colour coding & custom size prototype wiring. end ordered spools of wire unhappy how untidy keeping them & making accessible.

have come storage box made out of useful box (rub), 2.1l in size. cost me £2 , can store 8 of 10m equipment wire spools bought brimal components.

using 12mm dowel cut size, marked centre of box (excluding lid) , drilled pilot holes small screws. these screwed dowel rod.

added 1mm holes push equipment wire through seen in photos.

lastly, wire stripper tool tin y little bit big fit in space @ top.

taking small saw small blade, cut away small amount lip of rub make space bottom of handles.

there have it. 8 spools of wire, plus strippers contained in 1 handy "lift & shift" rub.

photos here: ... fgdvu/edit

very tidy. shames large cardboard box. :d



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