Uno I2C problem with MCP3425 SOT23-6 eval board (ADC)


i have been trying make arduino uno work mcp3425 sot23-6 evaluation board, no success. me out? connected a4 pin sda , a5 pin scl pull-up resistor, , when probe, sda , scl pins, same. somehow sda looks same clock signal without signs of data traffic. checked if there short, couldn't find it. in serial monitor window, don't see anything. here code:

//include wire i2c library
#include <wire.h>
int sensor_address = b1101000;

void setup()
 //start serial communication @ 9600 baud

 //create wire object

void readsensor(byte *a, byte *b, byte *c)


 wire.requestfrom(sensor_address, 3);
 while(wire.available() == 0);
 *a =;  
 *b =;
 *c =;

void loop()
 byte aa, bb, cc;
 readsensor(&aa, &bb, &cc);



here data sheet mcp3425:

your appreciated. thanks!

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Networking, Protocols, and Devices (Moderator: fabioc84) > Uno I2C problem with MCP3425 SOT23-6 eval board (ADC)



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