PWM audio amplifier circuit crashes arduino.

i'm trying implement variable frequency buzzer using pwm pin, , works other resetting  arduino. here's circuit:

the speaker 8 ohm , hooked pin connector in diagram. transistor bases go pin 13. has nice side effect can hear program uploading.
my code causing problem this:
code: [select]

i borrowed oscilloscope, , saw 5v line has pretty big spikes above , below 5v suspect causing resets.

what's best way fix this? decoupling capacitor between +5 , gnd?

decoupling capacitor between +5 , gnd?

yes , need big one. start off value of 220uf , go not cure.
you can use series inductor amplifier supply last circuit on page:-

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > PWM audio amplifier circuit crashes arduino.



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