Non Blocking Waits - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all

im seasoned arduino tinkerer, have picked pi try , condense few of boxes have around house gathering information solar, water temps, energy usage, alarm status , weather forecast.

weather service use provides 3 hour forecast, updated hourly.
alarm status updates file on pi every second
there glcd on pi adafruit.

have while loop in format of

code: select all

while true:     dodisplaystuff() 
works perfectly, want poll weather api ever hour, , update holding global vairiables, , poll alarm status ever second, while running.

using pygame, have got update once second working wonderfully, , polling every hour struggling now.

on arduino, there blink without delay example using millis() counter, there such thing within python, or case of using threading, first real project, dont want thrown in deep end quickly.

if can point me in right direction, good.

many thanks


have @ timer object in threading module.



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