Need MAJOR Help here PLZ, PLZ. Remository/Joomla and Error 500 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello. tried post in components forums, no answer , maybe can solved here, @ point lookin provider host site, , after tests did not sound component issue anymore.

i have latest joomla version installed 1.0.11. installed fresh, no data, no nothing. installed remository component. added few files downloads section.

whenever tries download larger file, above 8-10 mb in size, gives error 500 blank page. if try download small, works 100%, no issues.

i contacted provider (siteground), , informed them of this. looked it, , told me because have sef enabled  in joomla. disabled sef , tried site downloads , worked.

so, went in backend myself, , disabled sef, , tried myself, sure. no luck, cant download sef on or off. informed provider of this, , returned saying "sorry nothing more can you", mind fresh install of joomla , remository thru fantastico. no other mods, nothing.

has had type of issue or knows problem be, or check for? (it doesnt matter version of remository, tried them all).

i dont want move provider, if thats last resort, it. setup site here forums , gallery, , pain start moving , re-configure again stuff.
i dont have money, if thats takes, try , pay me issue.

please please please, can me here, suggest something, anything, gladly appreciate it.

thank very much...

ohh forgot here link problem: try download small file, big one, see error: ... info/id,2/

nobody can me here please?

i appreciate much.

thank you...


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