IR remote(LIRC) - Raspberry Pi Forums

have sharp ir remote , trying make working rpi 2b,i followed instructions using link ... spberrypi/

now, can see signal on terminal using command''mode2 -d /dev/lirc0''
did not find how setup ir remote.

followed following link ... pberry-pi/
seems ,but when put command ""irrecord -d /dev/lirc0 ~/lircd.conf'' program start , when press key, can see dots.

problem ,what must or press when finish ir remote keys?? because not clear , bouse press enter or somtimes stop pressing secound, eerros appear
''irrecord: no data 10 secs, aborting''
''irrecord: gap not found, can't continue

if there library(not lirc) plz let me know.

lirc game in town. follow on-screen instructions using irrecord.



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