Dynamically Generate Form Field - How?

i'd find out how can form fields dynamically generated based on users input?

e.g how many children have? (user enters 2 in form field)
2 empty form fields generated user enterthe names of 2 children.



the easiest way use cfselect have onchange actionscript unhide text boxes. if use text box, have no real way of knowing user might input. like:

<cfslect name="example" label="how many children?" width="55" onchange="{
if (this.example.value==1){this.txt1.visible=true;}}">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="1">1</option>
<cfinput type="text" name="txt1" width="100" label="name" visible="no">

More discussions in ColdFusion Rich Forms



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