anemometer - frequency library

hi ther ! have tcst 2103 sensor , arduino uno, want find frequency library calibrate anemometer english bad , dont understand many thinks... why #include <freqcount.h> library doesnt work in ready projects found.

sketch_apr15a:11: error: 'freqcounter' has not been declared
sketch_apr15a:12: error: 'freqcounter' has not been declared
sketch_apr15a:13: error: 'freqcounter' has not been declared
sketch_apr15a:15: error: 'freqcounter' has not been declared
digitalinputpullup:9: error: 'freqcount' not declared in scope

thanks !

most common reason kind of error not installing library or not proper location. can provide details of uploaded library too.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Sensors > anemometer - frequency library



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