Pi Hardware - Fan, Motor and few questions - Raspberry Pi Forums


i'm starting study cybernetics in next semester , i'd pi till start. can't program in python have few years of experience in c++, i'd prefer use that... few questions:

1. os recommend? need simple run code, no gui required, i'm gonna write code on pc , transfer pi compile & run
2. gpio c++ library recommend?
3. i've been searching while , found few tutorials on how use motors, fans , not, motors go forward, backward , stop - need motor can control speed, same goes fan - there tutorials this?
4. how gpio extensions work? how control pins? gpio extension recommend robotics?

thank you!

1. raspbian. on pi2, can edit , compile on pi, fast enough everything.
2. pigpio think 1 need.
3. stepper motor might easiest, otherwise not sure.
4. shoudl in library itself.

magpi great resource - start @ issue one!



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