Small Validation Problem *SOLVED*

today long day, after had make 2 days of work corrupt files, think i'm point.

i gotta small problem though.. pages valid html 4.01 transitional. changed of pages transitional because haven't messed google adsense before , turns out invalidates xhtml transitional code. after work find out referral links on pages one: click here . code give invalidates html 4.01 transitional, :( .

i trying think of work around it, , going place code on seperate page , display object turns out ie doesn't open link in new window ff does, , don't know conditional comment ie fix that. don't idea of anyway (too work)..

so have ideas should do?


ps. put valid html 4.01 transitional image @ footer of pages anyway though amazon code doesn't validate... don't tell anyone.. lol

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