how do I auto start a command line app with parameters? - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all,
got first ever pi (ver 2) today , have ever used windows before hoping 1 me!

have loaded raspbian , running head less.

can issue following commands , works how automate starts on boot?

cd /modesdeco2
./modesdeco2 --rbs --gain 49.6 --web 8081 --beast 31001 --sbs10001 30003 --db basestation.sqb --silhouettes ./silhouettes

thank you


code: select all

/modesdeco2/modesdeco2 --rbs --gain 49.6 --web 8081 --beast 31001 --sbs10001 30003 --db basestation.sqb --silhouettes /modesdeco2/silhouettes &
rc.local , run on bootup.



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