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Thread: MBR messed up

hey, want reinstall ubuntu on laptop dual boots messed-up ubuntu , windows.
going install ubuntu when error messages started popping up. so, decided delete old, disfunctional ubuntu partiton , create new ext3 one.
unfourtunatley, installer kept bugging. believe because instead of shutting down windows, put hibernation mode.
now, can't boot windows because deleted old linux partition on witch grub installed, therefor grub gives me error 15. how can remove grub, or reinstall linux?

tried perform fdisk freedos livecd, says fdisk doesn't exist.

thug lyfe!

i had prob 1 year ago too.
think if u enter installation disk, won't erro15, because cd boot first, install ubuntu , grub installed well.
if u enter cd , error15 think means first boot device hard disk , u have make 1st cd rom.

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