Raspberry PI 1920 x 1080 issues - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello everyone,

thought create quick post may assist people in future. i've purchased new raspberry pi 2 , having issues screen resolution fixed @ 1318x736 no ability change (other auto did nothing).

resolve issue did following:

run following command:

code: select all

edidparser edid
gave me lots of output looks quite overwhelming @ first there few lines needed solve problem. there many lines regarding hdmi:edid dmt mode , hdmi:edid cea mode. serching entry 1920x1080 lead me following lines.

code: select all

hdmi:edid cea mode (5) 1920x1080i @ 60 hz pixel clock 74 mhz has score of 2773832 hdmi:edid cea mode (20) 1920x1080i @ 50 hz pixel clock 74 mhz has score of 128680 hdmi:edid cea mode (31) 1920x1080p @ 50 hz pixel clock 148 mhz has score of 232360 hdmi:edid best score mode cea (16) 1920x1080p @ 60 hz pixel clock 148 mhz (score 5398248) 
above command has informed me believed best setting me use. 2 main bits of information need take away best scoring setting mode, in case cea , value within parenthesis , in case 16. take note of these they're important next step.

we're ready edit our /boot/config.txt configuration file using information we've gathered above. we're going adding values hdmi_group , hdmi_mode (you may see values within file commented out hash (#)). consistency it's best add these under following comment
# uncomment force specific hdmi mode (this force vga)
if mode cea adding following /boot/config.txt

code: select all

if mode dmt adding following /boot/config.txt

code: select all

next adding value hdmi_mode value between parenthesis. mine (16) following value added

code: select all

result similar below

code: select all

# uncomment force specific hdmi mode (this force vga) hdmi_group=1 hdmi_mode=16 
next step uncomment line disabling overscan.i remove hash (#) on following line @ top of page

code: select all

commented out of lines @ bottom of page sit under comment:
# noobs auto-generated settings:

result similar this

code: select all

# additional overlays , parameters documented /boot/overlays/readme  ^m # noobs auto-generated settings:^m #hdmi_force_hotplug=1^m #config_hdmi_boost=4^m #overscan_left=24^m #overscan_right=24^m #overscan_top=16^m #overscan_bottom=16^m #disable_overscan=0^m 
reboot , should have raspberry pi displaying in 1920 x 1080 resolution!

if there's i've missed or mistakes i've made please feel free let me know. hope helps out may encountering issue!


zarif wrote:hello everyone,
thought create quick post may assist people in future. i've purchased new raspberry pi 2 , having issues screen resolution fixed @ 1318x736 no ability change (other auto did nothing).
resolve issue did following:
run following command:

code: select all

edidparser edid
gave me lots of output looks quite overwhelming @ first there few lines needed solve problem.
i've found output various options of tvservice command provides sufficient information find supported "preferred" or "native" mode - fwiw, see notes/examples here:
http://www.cpmspectrepi.webspace.virgin ... tings.html
(without having "trawl through" output edidparser)



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