New: RFX Teensy 3.x dev board w/ shield breakout, prototyping area, nRF24L01+

rfx teensy 3.x development board arduino shield breakout, prototyping area , nrf24l01+ headers.

this uno-sized (7cmx5cm) carrier board pjrc teensy 3.0/3.1 convenient way add nrf24l01+ module , arduino shield compatibility teensy 3.x project, providing general breakout board prototyping area.

note: new teensy 3.1 boards have 5v tolerant digital io pins, making arduino shield compatibility more straightforward. (note osh park have got killer deal on teensy 3.1 @ moment -- pjrc's official blessing.)

team these guys rfxduino nrf24<->tcp/ip gateway , software, , wifi connected due-class board fraction of price of, well, due , wifi card! (with greater functionality, too, e.g., access https servers.)

available bare pcb, kit, or assembled. through-hole components easy soldering kit.

so little time play these nice thingies ;)

Arduino Forum > Community > Products and Services > New: RFX Teensy 3.x dev board w/ shield breakout, prototyping area, nRF24L01+



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