Updating Raspbian to latest - Raspberry Pi Forums

i running email server on raspberry pi. routinely update make sure date necessary patches, etc. has come attention after looking see version of openssl running raspbian install not updating. i've run apt-get upgrade, apt-get dist-upgrade , rpi-update.

firmware running version 4.0.7+. want make sure openssl version patched, on version openssl 1.0.1e 11 feb 2013 still vulnerable heartbleed. want make sure i'm not patched heartbleed i'll receive latest security patch released openssl when made available raspbian. read, heartbleed patch should available in raspbian repositories , yet version @ 1.0.1.e.

why when run apt-get upgrade not receiving necessary updates openssl?

thank you!

i see same thing when @ version of openssl. however, when use test (http://geekflare.com/how-to-test-heart- ... 2014-0160/) see if version of openssl vulnerable, response saying safe.

echo "quit"|openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 2>&1|grep 'server extension "heartbeat" (id=15)' || echo safe



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