Menu Builder


i'm creating software training. i've done test run of recording training , approx. 130 slides, 20 minutes. going create 1 movie. want users able watch movie beginning end whole or watch parts individually. i'm not sure whether use click boxes throughout or use menubuilder, latter of i'm not sure how use , users/posters herein have made me nervous viability of clickboxes project. (having said users have made me nervous, i've read other problems people have had have not experienced @ all.)

as stated there 130 slides total, there several parts within 130 slides - lets there 10 parts 13 slides each. i'd make download time fast possible, while still keeping projects integrity in tact.

if doing clickboxes, have index @ start allow user start @ beginning , after first part (10 slides) 'click' either "next" watch next 10 slides or "index" take them index slide.

if i'm using menubuilder instead of clickboxes, far can tell have record each of these 13 parts seperatly, put them on website in 1 folder (which btw have no idea how - else deals that), create seperate project called menubuilder , somehow going clickboxes within menubuilder, linking each movie it's html specifics somehow.

i'm not sure work out better end user - please advise!

second, if answer menu builder, there tutorial somewhere how go this?- (posts herein give tidbits rather step step , section seems insufficient particular question.)

catbandit - looked @ tips n tricks site thinking/hoping find answer said (i think in robo demo days) menubuilder not answer, clickboxes - reading of these posts seems may recommending menubuilder instead, i'm sort of confused go this.

thanks in advance, fantastic forum! appreciated.

the past comes haunt. yes, @ 1 time hinted - okay, hollered - menu builder wasn't answer of anything. instead recommended building menus inside captivate, or html. little did forsee problems suggestion, , i'm not going beat death now. suffice rebuilding "captivate tips n tricks". hope completed , open beginning of 4th quarter of year.

okay, 130 slides, 20 minutes. question use "click-boxes throughout or use menubuilder". sooo glad added don't know use "mb", because there no choice between 2 entities - "pears , turtles", if . . . except . . . fear might understand , that's out-of-body experience in itself.

your question, restated, "do create monster movie built-in menu (thus, click-boxes) in beginning, jump around within 130 slides, or break monster smaller chunks, , made each of htem available through master menu created in "menu builder"?" did question rephrased correctly?

how about, further confusion factor . . . ta dah . . . neither!! why not chop monster managable bytes (heh heh) , serve him "jesterxl's" "captivate player"? see, hand quicker eye.

you can free download - along complete explanations , instructions - captivate player at magic link right here. try because think you'll it. let know if stuck, jesse warden's little creation easy set , use, expect no trouble.

by way, have noticed how ducked "menu builder" issue entirely? no, i'm not changing mind , " recommending" menu builder, helping users specific questions it. has uses, still 2nd or 3rd choice.

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