singing animatronic - Raspberry Pi Forums

so far basic script makes servo move left middle right
need way setup timing bare in mind im python newb.

(something wait 1.5 move left, wait 2.0 move right)

code: select all

import rpi.gpio gpio import time gpio.setmode(gpio.board) gpio.setup (11, gpio.out) frequencyhertz = 50 pwm = gpio.pwm(11, frequencyhertz) leftposition = 0.75 rightposition = 2.5 middleposition = (rightposition - leftposition) / 2 + leftposition  positionlist = [leftposition, middleposition, rightposition, middleposition]  mspercycle = 1000 / frequencyhertz in range(3):         position in positionlist:                 dutycyclepercentage = position * 100 / mspercycle                 print "position: " + str(position)                 print "duty cycle: " + str(dutycyclepercentage) + "%"                 print ""                 pwm.start(dutycyclepercentage)                 time.sleep(.5) pwm.stop() gpio.cleanup() 
need little need change .



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