Nighty image and dtparam - Raspberry Pi Forums

i'm using 20150609-raspbian-wheezy-nox.img set in config previous:

code: select all

dtparam=i2c=on1=on dtparam=spi=on 

code: select all

vcdbg log msg 
show me:

code: select all

001923.431: dtparam: i2c=on1=on 001923.875: unknown param 'i2c' - ignored 001923.897: dtparam: spi=on 001924.339: unknown param 'spi' - ignored 
other dtparams work fine.

sec, i'll see if same thing.

edit: i've flashed image , enabled i2c using raspi-config. no issues here, phil taking @ well. pastebin entire config.txt?



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