Extensions directory is rigged and thoroughly dodgy !!!!!!! - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i posted review of mosets tree component. while not favourable review, reflected heart-felt opinion. wanted opinion shared other users. did not contain inappropriate information. recounted experience , dissatisfaction particular software. post did not added mosets tree reviews section of extensions directory.

without wanting jump conclusions, posted review 3 days ago. once again, not favourable review, balanced review based on experience. unfortunately, review did not make onto review section mosets tree. have received no notification way of email there problem - or reason - why review not included in extensions directory. leads me conclude extensions directory rigged! users of extensions directory being lied to. , annoys me!

i note mosets tree, unlike other directory software, has positive reviews. because moderators of extension directory developers of mosets tree? conflict of interest? users of joomla receiving full , accurate information other users wanting share experiences them? unless you're commenting positively mosets tree, appears difficult express opinion.

be aware - open source - doesn't mean honesty!

hi robby1 - , welcome joomla! community forum  :)

each submitted review evaluated editorial team before approving.
should developer of extension reviewed 1 of editorial team members, member not take part in evaluation of review. simple that.

for particular review not approved due content of review.
a review approved when reviews functionality in extension, either positive or negative review.
when review functions not in extension, or like, review rejected.

you more welcome submit new review extension focus on current state of extension , features.
then happy evaluate too. thanks.


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