Updated Bobuino design.

i've been urged put out original bobuino again, i've been working on last couple of weeks.
started out making usb interface easier, changing ftdi chip ftdi module , adding offboard header.
kept sd card, ditched usd socket.
changed 3.3v level translation 74hc4050, , added 74hc125 miso buffering.
added headers unused buffers in each used later, , added pullups prevent oscillations floating inputs.
kept rs232 buffer , jumpers allow connected serial1 or not.
ditched jtag header.
added gnd pins next digital pins allow easy button connections.
added power & gnd pins next analog pins allow easy potentiometer connections.
added duplicate pads headers io pins can accessed still when shields installed.
added pads screw terminals can added if desired.
added pads bring in power wallwart if desired, , add protection diode smd regulator if needed.
moved battery top of board sits flat.
lastly, added prototype area - allow mounting 315/433 mhz rx or tx module , wiring io pins, or nrfl2401+ module, or 20 pin dip.
i'm gonna make 10, 5 spoken already, if there's other interest i'll order parts more kits.
no idea on cost, have price out still. figure i'll template smd parts, , send out partial kit , folks can solder thru hole parts in.

any thoughts?

pm sent

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Microcontrollers > Updated Bobuino design.



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