Passing an argument from a db result

what wrong , why not passing variable show_id?
outputs correct show_id number in text
(<cfoutput>#getlastentry.show_id#</cfoutput>). keep getting show
required not passed. please help.

<cfquery name="getlastentry" datasource="sql_portal">
select show_id radioshowinfo
where creator = '#getauthuser()#'
order show_id desc
<!---create object shows component--->
<cfobject name="shows" component="">
<!---step 2: add photos , captions--->
<cfif isdefined ('submit_add')>
<cfinvoke component="#shows#" method="updateguestphotos">
<cfinvokeargument name="show" value="#getlastentry.show_id#">

<cfinvoke component="#shows#" method="updateguestphotos">
<cfinvokeargument name="show" value="#getlastentry.show_id#">

just make sure, have closing </cfinvoke> tag in code right?

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