webcam, mjpg-streamer, ps-eye3

sorry more 1 issues on same post.

[solved] 1) did trial of using logitech webcam gun , working ok. using binary
that found in forum post:

downloading packages other post:
mjpg_streamer installing no problems!

2) there way have ps-eye3 working?
as far understood not uvc driver.. how do?

use official mjpg-streamer;-
code: [select]
opkg remove mjpg-streamer
opkg update
opkg install mjpg-streamer

code: [select]
uname -a
linux arduino 3.3.8 #1 sat may 17 17:36:39 cest 2014 mips gnu/linux

ps-eye3 gspca-ov534 type camera.

code: [select]
opkg update
opkg install kmod-input-core
opkg install kmod-video-gspca-core
opkg install kmod-video-gspca-ov534

Arduino Forum > Products > Arduino Yún (Moderator: fabioc84) > webcam, mjpg-streamer, ps-eye3



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