Help programming buttonstatechange
i struggling find way use button state change control multiple modes on led.
i want able have 3 different states on led.
solid (led on)
so far have been able program 1 led alter between on , off using code, hoping advice or changes make add stages.
const int buttonpin = 2; // pin pushbutton attached to
const int ledpin = 3; // pin led attached to
// variables change:
int buttonpushcounter = 0; // counter number of button presses
int buttonstate = 0; // current state of button
int lastbuttonstate = 0; // previous state of button
void setup() {
// initialize button pin input:
pinmode(buttonpin, input);
// initialize led output:
pinmode(ledpin, output);
// initialize serial communication:
void loop() {
// read pushbutton input pin:
buttonstate = digitalread(buttonpin);
// compare buttonstate previous state
if (buttonstate != lastbuttonstate) {
// if state has changed, increment counter
if (buttonstate == high) {
// if current state high button
// wend off on:
serial.print("number of button pushes: ");
else {
// if current state low button
// wend on off:
// save current state last state,
//for next time through loop
lastbuttonstate = buttonstate;
// turns on led everytime button pushes
// checking modulo of button push counter.
// modulo function gives remainder of
// division of 2 numbers:
if (buttonpushcounter % 1== 0) {
digitalwrite(ledpin, high);
} else {
digitalwrite(ledpin, low);
thanks in andvance help.
i want able have 3 different states on led.
solid (led on)
so far have been able program 1 led alter between on , off using code, hoping advice or changes make add stages.
const int buttonpin = 2; // pin pushbutton attached to
const int ledpin = 3; // pin led attached to
// variables change:
int buttonpushcounter = 0; // counter number of button presses
int buttonstate = 0; // current state of button
int lastbuttonstate = 0; // previous state of button
void setup() {
// initialize button pin input:
pinmode(buttonpin, input);
// initialize led output:
pinmode(ledpin, output);
// initialize serial communication:
void loop() {
// read pushbutton input pin:
buttonstate = digitalread(buttonpin);
// compare buttonstate previous state
if (buttonstate != lastbuttonstate) {
// if state has changed, increment counter
if (buttonstate == high) {
// if current state high button
// wend off on:
serial.print("number of button pushes: ");
else {
// if current state low button
// wend on off:
// save current state last state,
//for next time through loop
lastbuttonstate = buttonstate;
// turns on led everytime button pushes
// checking modulo of button push counter.
// modulo function gives remainder of
// division of 2 numbers:
if (buttonpushcounter % 1== 0) {
digitalwrite(ledpin, high);
} else {
digitalwrite(ledpin, low);
thanks in andvance help.
start with
and use button change update state. use state
to determine how led driven.
i think have 4 states, since dimming implies led eventually
reaches led_off...
code: [select]
#define led_solid 0
#define led_flash 1
#define led_dimming 2
int led_state = led_solid ;
and use button change update state. use state
to determine how led driven.
i think have 4 states, since dimming implies led eventually
reaches led_off...
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