User Access to Premium Services and non-premium - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

this question possibly exist in several forums please excuse me if not appropriate.

i have site (joomla 1.0.11) utilizes community builder create free community. offer premium package includes access form (facile forms) , e-book download. restrict premium form/ebook users have paid fee , specific time (ideally 1 time deal, expire when form submitted may asking much). sounds simple not since subscription/payment gateways replace community builder login , difficult set temporary permissions (sub account of sorts) within free account. have tried use following programs in varying combinations:

- account expiration control
- jcomonentsubscription
- jacl (to create separate group of users restrict access form/ebook)

does have solution? considering installing second joomla in subdirectory of site, copying template , using database premium-service site. lack of other navigation except "back button" take users root joomla install , login/register function purchase premium package. there better way this? feel may confuse users have 2 logins. also, know how make subscription expire form submitted? 1 time access?


hi there... not sure if came mind solution you, it's better share not :)

since you're considering installing second version of joomla, why not install cubecart? it's different application , contain data people buying, it's simple use , manage, , supports links selling e-goods (as understand you're interested).

i hope helps.



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