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Thread: rhythmbox 9.10 mp3

hey yall
i've posted here couple times before , got great support thought after 2 day quest work ask help.

rhythmbox won't play music anymore after upgrading 9.10. great part 9.10 sound features work without work. keyboard shortcuts volume , down , mute work now! great news. problem rhythmbox won't play of music. let me tell have done far try fix problem.

i've gone synaptic , reenabled repository called "main restricted universe multiverse". followed script medibuntu reinstall repository , followed directions update. i've sudo apt-get update , updated. i've installed gstreamer plugins including ones gave me troubles in past. i've done script download restricted extras.

when try play song in rhythmbox says doesn't have necessary plugins play song , give me gstreamer element autoaudiosink requested plugin cannot find it.
i'm not sure if flash video vlc player plays audio fine. i've spent quite lot of time on , can't rhythmbox play audio. i'm sure of knowledgeable people can noob out this. installed jaunty 2 months ago cold turkey windows , haven't looked back. forum reason why haven't gone windows. can tricky makes better. responding , helping me issue. check post regularly until problem fixed.

i'm not sure have helpful suggestions, have question might helpful:

rhythmbox play music encoded in format other mp3 such ogg or flac?

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