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Thread: Complete DNS setup

hi everyone, have total linux noob here - im used windows , although ubuntu seems quite easy figure out, i'm finding out dns being pain in butt (first time setting dns).

i'm trying setup dns.

i using:

ubuntu 9.04 server
webmin (latest version 1.490)

i can:

can access sites created via http://localhost , http://localhost/folder_name/

since installed mod_security cannot access sites using , - message "bad request browser sent request server not understand." i'm not sure if important.

sites work fine in respects using http://localhost php/mysql/mod_rewrite etc...

i have:

in netgear router (wgt624v4) put port forwarding

# | service name | start port | end port | server ip address

domain testing pointed static isp ip.

created master zone in bind dns server using , used ip everytime needed enter ip (should i?).

in virtual server site under alternate virtual server names i have: , won't resolve.

i've followed guides don't work.

please - call me noob if lol - have feeling i'm totally messing up...

is client correctly configured use dns server?
it's little unclear me why need bind server. clients using it?

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