Joomla lacking images and HTML links in RSS Feeds - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

joomla uses feedcreator 1.7.2 , noticed in rss 2.0 feed html links , images not appear (for using joomla)

i wondering can alter code make html links , images appear in feeds. using rd_rss also  uses feedcreator class generate feeds. (the feedcreator class used in core files). can found in /includes/feedcreator.class.php

i looked on forum.. whenever asked question no 1 responded them. think important understand generating rss feed not enough. alot of people @ feeds through aggregators today , if serious blogger, use images enhance content, or insert ads feed). whole point of rss people don't have come page see need see. if links not clickable or if images not appear not serving purpose.

if core team has worked on rss piece can comment super cool.

ok ds-syndacite can can output html (images , links) in feeds joomla far.

even there still desired...  rss not convert mambot special tags , codes videos code generated.. or if put image relative path without full url not show in rss reader.

i use artio.. , noticed links in rss regular ones not rewrites. regular ones work, wish output match output on actual site.


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