Arduino Micro and NHD27OLED display

i'm trying nhd oled display (specficially nhd-2.7-12864umy3) working arduino micro , having difficulties.  know others have been able display working other arduino models.  i'll right - here's schematic:

i have wired on breadboard (except switches, lm34, , voltage divider going a0), display won't turn on.  i've checked appropriate voltages , looks good. 

any ideas?  i've checked , triple checked micro documentation , oled display documentation , can't see i'm missing on electrical side.  i've tried leaving rst line on display open, tied +3.3v, , set shown in schematic.  i've put 'scope on pins , appears should nice clean dc +3.3v on power pin , can see data on data pin.

for reference, here's code loaded on micro testing.  i'm sure i've screwed here, too, don't think keep oled display turning on.

code: [select]

#include <spi.h>
#include <u8glib.h>

// sketch arduino micro based voltmeter , thermometer using lm34
// connected nhd-2.7-12864umy3 oled 128x64 display.

// setup display driver
// u8glib_nhd27oled_gr u8g(10, 9);   // u8glib_nhd27oled_gr(cs, a0 [, reset])
// u8glib_nhd27oled_gr u8g(13, 11, 10, 9);   // u8glib_nhd27oled_gr(sck, mosi, cs, a0 [, reset])
// u8glib_nhd27oled_2x_gr u8g(13, 11, 10, 9);   // u8glib_nhd27oled_2x_gr(sck, mosi, cs, a0 [, reset])

// arduino micro serial1 pins different
// u8glib_nhd27oled_2x_gr u8g(15, 16, 17, 9);   // u8glib_nhd27oled_gr(sck, mosi, cs, a0 [, reset])
u8glib_nhd27oled_2x_gr u8g(17, 9);   // u8glib_nhd27oled_gr(cs, a0 [, reset])

int cnt = 0; // testing

// setcontrast() stuff
int contupstate = 0;
int contdnstate = 0;
int contrastvalue = 255; // start display @ maximum contrast
const int contrastmin = 50; // minimum contrast want use - 0 actual hw minimum
const int contrastmax = 255; // maximum contrast
const int contraststep = 5; // how change contrast each push of button
unsigned char contuppin = 4; // push button turn contrast up
unsigned char contdnpin = 5; // push button turn contrast down

// displayvoltage() stuff
const int vm_num_samples = 10; // number of readings take average out later
int vmsum = 0; // sum of samples taken
int vmsample_count = 0; // current sample number
unsigned char vmpin = a0; // use pin a0 input 12v after voltage divider - don't exceed 5v actual
float vmvoltage = 0.00; // calculated voltage
float vmout = 0.00; // voltage output
int voltwidth = 0; // width of voltage reading in pixels
int voltspace = 0;

// displaytemp() stuff
unsigned char temppin = a1; // use pin a1 input lm34
int tempwidth = 0; // width of temperature reading in pixels
int tempspace = 0;

void setup() {

  serial1.begin(9600); // arduino micro uses serial1 hardware serial

  // assign pins
  pinmode(4, input_pullup); // push button turn contrast up
  digitalwrite(4, high);  // turn on internal pull-up resistor
  pinmode(5, input_pullup); // push button turn contrast down
  digitalwrite(5, high);  // turn on internal pull-up resistor
  pinmode(9, output); // data out oled display - spi2_si on nhd display
  pinmode(10, output); // cs out display
  // a0 - input displayvoltage()
  // a1 - input displaytemp()

  // testing stuff

void displayvoltage() {
  // take number of analog samples , add them up
  while (vmsample_count < vm_num_samples) {
    vmsum += analogread(vmpin); // read voltage , add previous readings
    vmsample_count++; // increment counter
  // calculate voltage
  // use 5.0 5.0v adc reference voltage
  // 5.015v calibrated reference voltage
  vmvoltage = ((float)vmsum / (float)vm_num_samples * 5.015) / 1024.0;
  // send voltage display
  // voltage multiplied 11 when using voltage divider that
  // divides 11. 11.132 calibrated voltage divide
  // value
  vmout = vmvoltage * 11.132;

  voltwidth = u8g.getstrwidth("vmout"); // how wide voltage reading in pixels
  voltspace = voltwidth + 5;
  u8g.setfontpostop(); // set 0,0 @ upper left
  u8g.setfont(u8g_font_9x15br); // set font - 9x15 bold
  u8g.setprintpos(0, 30); // start in upper left corner
  u8g.print(vmout); // print voltage
  u8g.setfont(u8g_font_9x15r); // set font - 9x15 regular
  u8g.setprintpos(voltspace, 30); // set position next line
  u8g.print("v"); // print v next voltage reading

  // reset counter variables
  vmsample_count = 0;
  vmsum = 0;

void displaytemp() {
  int rawvoltage = analogread(temppin); // read volage lm34 - 1.000v = 100 deg f
  float millivolts = (rawvoltage/1024.0) * 5000;
  float degf = millivolts/10;

  tempwidth = u8g.getstrwidth("degf"); // how wide temperature reading in pixels
  tempspace = tempwidth + 5;
  u8g.setfontpostop(); // set 0,0 @ upper left
  u8g.setfont(u8g_font_9x15br); // set font
  u8g.setprintpos(63, 30); // set print position reading
  u8g.print(degf); // print temperature
  u8g.setfont(u8g_font_9x15r); // set font
  u8g.setprintpos(tempspace, 30); // set print position next line
  u8g.print("f"); // print f next temp reading

  delay(1000); // wait 1 sec between updates

void setcontrast() {
  // read state of contrast buttons
  contupstate = digitalread(contuppin);
  contdnstate = digitalread(contdnpin);

  // check if 1 of contrast buttons pressed.
  // if is, button state low
  if (contupstate == low) { // contrast button pushed
    if (contrastvalue >= contrastmin) { // check make sure not way down already
      contrastvalue == contrastvalue + contraststep; // adjust contrast 1 step
      u8g.setcontrast(contrastvalue); // send new contrast value display
  if (contdnstate == low) { // contrast down button pushed
    if (contrastvalue <= contrastmax) { // check make sure not way already
      contrastvalue == contrastvalue - contraststep; // adjust contrast down 1 step
      u8g.setcontrast(contrastvalue); // send new contrast value display

// testing only
void draw() {

  // graphic commands redraw complete screen should placed here 
  u8g.drawstr( 0, 15, "6x12r");
  // u8g.setfont(u8g_font_6x12br);
  // u8g.drawstr( 63, 15, "6x12br");
  u8g.drawstr( 0, 30, "9x15r");
  u8g.drawstr( 63, 30, "9x15br");
  u8g.drawstr( 0, 50, "9x18r");
  u8g.drawstr( 63, 50, "9x18br");
  u8g.drawstr( 0, 63, "10x20r");
  //  u8g.setfont(u8g_font_10x20br);
  //  u8g.drawstr( 63, 63, "10x20br");

void loop()  {
  // picture loop
    draw(); // testing only
  while( u8g.nextpage() );

  // rebuild picture after delay

  setcontrast();  // screen contrast adjustment via push buttons

  //displayvoltage(); // display vehicle voltage

  //displaytemp(); // display ambient temperature

anyone?  ideas appreciated.


Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Displays > Arduino Micro and NHD27OLED display



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