Well Pump Control - Raspberry Pi Forums


building system remotely control pump. pi set @ remote water tanks , programmed sense level tanks @ (using 3 float switches) , trigger pump on , off appropriately. have 3 indicator lights triggered indicate current tank level. after sensing change, pi activates radio link pump , sends dtmf tone received dtmf relay board switching of pump , indicator lights.

problem.... using event detect functions sensing , triggering. need way script auto detect current tank level , act appropriately. example... after power failure, need pi reboot, read sensors , update well's level indicators , pump control.

redundancy name of game here. new programming there clean done here.... biggest problem having auto sensing on start up.


code: select all

import time import rpi.gpio gpio import pygame subprocess import call  gpio.setmode(gpio.board)  # 100% pin gpio.setup(11, gpio.in, pull_up_down=gpio.pud_up) # 2/3 pin gpio.setup(13, gpio.in, pull_up_down=gpio.pud_up) # 1/3 pin gpio.setup(15, gpio.in, pull_up_down=gpio.pud_up) # kill gpio.setup(7, gpio.in, pull_up_down=gpio.pud_down)  def my_callback(channel):     if gpio.input(11):         print ('tank full - draining')          gpio.setup(16, gpio.out)         time.sleep(4)         gpio.setup(18, gpio.out)         time.sleep(1)          call(["aplay","/home/pi/desktop/dtmf/3off.wav"])          time.sleep(2)          call(["aplay","/home/pi/desktop/dtmf/3off.wav"])                  time.sleep(1)         gpio.setup(18, gpio.in)         gpio.setup(16, gpio.in)          time.sleep(3)     else:         print ('tank full')          gpio.setup(16, gpio.out)         time.sleep(4)         gpio.setup(18, gpio.out)         time.sleep(1)                  call(["aplay","/home/pi/desktop/dtmf/3on4off.wav"])          time.sleep(2)          call(["aplay","/home/pi/desktop/dtmf/3on4off.wav"])                 time.sleep(1)         gpio.setup(18, gpio.in)         gpio.setup(16, gpio.in)                  time.sleep(3)  def my_callback2(channel):     if gpio.input(13):         print ('tank 2/3 , draining')          gpio.setup(16, gpio.out)         time.sleep(4)         gpio.setup(18, gpio.out)         time.sleep(1)          call(["aplay","/home/pi/desktop/dtmf/4on2off.wav"])          time.sleep(2)          call(["aplay","/home/pi/desktop/dtmf/4on2off.wav"])                  time.sleep(1)         gpio.setup(18, gpio.in)         gpio.setup(16, gpio.in)                  time.sleep(3)     else:         print ('tank 2/3')          gpio.setup(16, gpio.out)         time.sleep(4)         gpio.setup(18, gpio.out)         time.sleep(1)          call(["aplay","/home/pi/desktop/dtmf/2on.wav"])          time.sleep(2)          call(["aplay","/home/pi/desktop/dtmf/2on.wav"])                  time.sleep(1)         gpio.setup(18, gpio.in)         gpio.setup(16, gpio.in)                  time.sleep(3)  def my_callback3(channel):     if gpio.input(15):         print ('tank 1/3 , draining')          gpio.setup(16, gpio.out)         time.sleep(4)         gpio.setup(18, gpio.out)         time.sleep(1)          call(["aplay","/home/pi/desktop/dtmf/1off4on.wav"])          time.sleep(2)          call(["aplay","/home/pi/desktop/dtmf/1off4on.wav"])          time.sleep(1)         gpio.setup(18, gpio.in)         gpio.setup(16, gpio.in)                  time.sleep(3)     else:         print ('tank 1/3')          gpio.setup(16, gpio.out)         time.sleep(4)         gpio.setup(18, gpio.out)         time.sleep(1)                  call(["aplay","/home/pi/desktop/dtmf/1on4on.wav"])          time.sleep(2)          call(["aplay","/home/pi/desktop/dtmf/1on4on.wav"])          time.sleep(1)         gpio.setup(18, gpio.in)         gpio.setup(16, gpio.in)                  time.sleep(3)  #raw_input("press enter when ready\n>")  gpio.add_event_detect(11, gpio.both, callback=my_callback, bouncetime=30000)  gpio.add_event_detect(13, gpio.both, callback=my_callback2, bouncetime=30000)  gpio.add_event_detect(15, gpio.both, callback=my_callback3, bouncetime=30000)  try:     print('waiting input...')     gpio.wait_for_edge(7, gpio.rising)     print('program killed.')  except keyboardinterrupt:     gpio.cleanup()      finally:     gpio.cleanup() 

this problem has been solved zillions of times... without raspberry pi(s)... take @ this:

http://www.next.gr/microcontrollers/805 ... 25613.html

try avoid using moving parts. avoid using interrupts , callbacks. make simple event loop starts running pi boots , runs avery few minutes (30) fired off crontab entry. have pi scan sensor mcu (use pyboard micro python, or other) , log, lights, signal whatever... go sleep... pi free other things (not dedicated pumphouse).



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