Type Error DW6 MX

i getting multiple repeat errors when open document in dw6 mx.

"the following translators not loaded due errors:
following javascript error(s) occurred:

at line 16 of file "c:\prog...\translators\server model ssi.htm":
typeerror: dw.getthirdpartynonemptyscriptmodeltags not function "

at line 16 in .htm file reads

// don't want translate if inside <style>, <script>
// or third-party, non-empty script-model tag. initialize
// array of tag names "ignore". here
// happens once.
var ignoretagarray = dw.getthirdpartynonemptyscriptmodeltags();

this never happend before on other machine until now. can fix problem w/o having re-install.

thx time


see if technote gets pointed in right direction:

troubleshooting javascript errors in dreamweaver

david alcala
adobe product support

More discussions in Dreamweaver support forum



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