Program ok in XP, but gives library error in XUbuntu?

hi folks,
i having adventure moving xp xubuntu, , far has been rewarding.  1 of first important goals kicked compile successful arduino program on linux side, flashing pin13 on micro, , felt had safely got covered.   however have tried compile 1 of larger programs mega 2560 had altered number 40 10 , found error-

/home/rob/arduino/sketchbook/libraries/st7735r/glcdfont.c:11:23: error: variable 'font' must const in order put read-only section means of '__attribute__((progmem))'
static unsigned char  font[] progmem = {

it appears in library helps drive st7735r oled display, in font definition section.  did not write or alter library don't understand bit of system well.  being bit shaken booted xp , found same program , libraries (apart stored differently xp & linux, linux versions drag , drop copies, ie identical) xp system compiled , downloaded without hitch.

my version of the ardunio ide in xubuntu is  1:1.0.5+dfsg2-2 , ide in xp 1.0.05.

i have not tried write library , appreciate assistance here, either how fix problem or somehow debug better idea going on.  in advance.


try changing "static" "const" in line gets error.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Programming Questions > Program ok in XP, but gives library error in XUbuntu?



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