That clock wont run

hi all,

im working on simple rtc 1307, 1 u can see in many tutorials. want
clock works 'tick' more precise  the internal arduino uno counter (@atmega328p)  
but wont it. sitting whole day , every time try new way same,
that clock wont run.

i followed tutorial ( )
clock tells everytime ask
"45:165:85  165/165/165"

its getting late , im out of ideas, maybe nice has idea or similar problem.

p.s. dont have shield rtc, ds1307 32k crystal on breadboard,connected on a4(sda)/a5(scl)


want clock works 'tick' more precise than  internal arduino uno counter

"45:165:85  165/165/165"

i understand ds1307 no more accurate arduino's timer, more convenient. ds3231 lot more accurate , costs couple of dollars more. looking @ drawing, have never seen pullup resistors on sda/scl  lines before, , suspect ribble doesn't know doing. having said that, code appears similar use these guys

who know doing.

i believe 165s signal bad, improper, or non-existent connection. removing resistors may fix that, otherwise check rest of wiring.

Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > Project Guidance > That clock wont run



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