Help booting 3.18.14+ with initramfs - Raspberry Pi Forums

as add line config.txt:

initramfs initrd.img-3.18.14+ followkernel

pi no longer boots , stuck on rainbow screen. without "followkernel" not boot. file present on sd card , many times regenerated. has worked previous kernels (last tried in 2014). pi first model a.

remove line , boots right up. need initramfs want boot /dev/md0.

steps have done:
- burned raspbian (latest, downloaded yesterday)
- went on raspi config
- rpi-update
- deluser pi
- changed root password
- apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
- added
- update-initramfs -c -k `uname -r`
--> file generated
- updated /boot/config.txt

not booting anymore :( please help. :)



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