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Authentication error while password reset - Raspberry Pi Forums

hello, have tried in rpi changing code: select all /boot/cmdline.txt code: select all dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyama0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait code: select all dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyama0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait init=/bin/sh , enter code: select all passwd pi in #prompt, if enter new password says: code: select all authentication token manipulation error code: select all password unchanged . do now?????? try this: ... -password/ raspberrypi

difficult IC pinouts

sometimes using ic difficult pinout... example, 16-channel led driver ic order of channel pins isn't same order leds lined in. generally create array follows: code: [select] byte ledpin[] = {14, 11, 5, 2, 6, 3, 12, 18, 13, 7, 8, 9, 4, 10, 16, 15}; and when want call light 7th led call upon ledpin[7]. is best/simplest way of remapping pins difficult ics?  can suggest other ways? thanks jonathan depending on how accessing leds, use #define e.g code: [select] #define led7 13 // etc but array method may more appropriate depending if need access leds sequentially btw, ledpin[7]. eighth element in array first element index zero Arduino Forum > Using Arduino > General Electronics > difficult IC pinouts arduino

Any project to celebrate 2014 FIFA World Cup with Arduino?

it's men's week now. , have done 2014 fifa world cup arduino? no not intended to, ideas: one make small sketch predicts outcome of each game worst example ever ... serial.print(random(5)); serial.print(" - "); serial.println(random(5)); or sketch can give scores , keeps ranking lists of every pool Arduino Forum > General Category > General Discussion (Moderators: mbanzi, DojoDave, mellis) > Any project to celebrate 2014 FIFA World Cup with Arduino? arduino

Problema caricamento sketch su Arduino Uno con Ethernet Shield

salve tutti. sto progettando un prototipo di casa domotica basata su arduino, tramite l' interfaccia ethernet shield collego arduino alla rete locale, e con una piccola interfaccia html attivo o disattivo pin di uscita di arduino collegate degli attuatori. ho sviluppato due sketch, uno per il controllo di un sensore di temperatura e sei attuatori digitali ed un secondo sketch per il controllo di due servomotori. due sketch separati funzionano alla perfezione, ma quando vado ad unirli in un unico sketch  il caricamento su arduino viene completato senza problemi, ma all' apertura dell' indirizzo interno di arduino ( mi compare il messaggio di pagina non disponibile. da cosa può essere causato ciò? io pensavo ad un errore causato dallo sketch (in particolar modo la parte html) troppo pesante, ma potrebbe anche essere un mio errore.   nel caso in cui fosse proprio la pesanezza  il problema, come posso risolvere? vi lascio in allegato l...

Newbie here, questions on this alarm trigger project

hi guys, got question on whether idea and/or feasible project. i'm thinking of getting arduino ethernet, have plugged router , draw power ethernet cable. then somehow tap home alarm trigger, when alarm kicks in, run code. for i'm planning send email myself starter, later i'm thinking of sending commands cameras , have them start recording stuff... i'm pretty sure do-able, can tell me whether using arduino ethernet this? know how make trigger? or tap signal wire io input (maybe need resistor triggering input right?) i'm new arduino, not new programming. thanks! i'm no expert on ethernet side, on connection alarm should perhaps consider opto-isolator which make sure alarm signal electrically separated arduino. output isolator normal digital input. code looping forever, reading pin on each pass, , if it's (say) low, kick off appropriate part of code. Arduino Forum > ...

downloading issues - Raspberry Pi Forums

hi all, when trying download noobs (offline , network install) in downloads page following message error requested url not retrieved following error encountered while trying retrieve url: ... thankful if give appropriate suggestion works here. did try again? raspberrypi

opencv3, tbb and rasp pi 2 - Raspberry Pi Forums

has installed opencv 3.0.0 tbb enabled on latest rasperian on pi 2? followed guide here viewtopic.php?f=28&t=110025&p=761255&hi ... v3#p761255 differences made enable tbb via cmake... added build , tbb options shown.. cmake -d cmake_build_type=release -d build_tbb=on -d with_tbb=on -d cmake_install_prefix=$(python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.prefix)") -d python_executable=$(which python3) .. patched current, dependencies installed far can tell.. cmake reports going install , old version of tbb... -- use tbb: yes (ver 4.1 interface 6102) make process fails linking problem don't understand fully, [ 66%] built target opencv_features2d scanning dependencies of target opencv_test_flann ../../lib/ undefined reference `tbb::task_group_context::cancel_group_execution()' ../../lib/ undefined reference `tbb::interface5::internal::task_base::destroy(tbb::task&)...